Crop Circles

CULTURE-CROP.COM - Anne & William

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Golden Ball Hill

Wiltshire - England
Vale of Pewsey
May 1, 2005


For several years, Culture-crop carefully followed the formations that appeared in rapeseed in England. Under the effect of the beds, the stems of this crop do not behave in quite the same way as those of wheat or barley. Being thicker, the stems are more difficult to flatten, making the effects of mechanical pressure more visible: bends, fractures and scratches are more frequent and obvious. This did not, however, deter counterfeiters, who persisted for decades until 2024, when no crop circle was seen in rapeseed in England.

Let's go back to May 2005, at the foot of the famous Golden Ball Hill near Adam's Grave in the Pewey Valley (the epicenter of the crop circle phenomenon), where we spotted a formation with surprising characteristics. On the ground, traces of usual human activities, as described above, were not clearly identifiable. On the contrary, we observed stems with significant curvatures, remaining almost horizontal, and a formation presenting a "carpet of flowers" as if the surface of the crop had simply been lowered by one level.

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Images extraites de la photo gallery of William Betts - 1 day after his discovery - The "flower carpet" of Golden Ball Hill - 2005
From then on, we began to archive and meticulously observe the crop circles that appear in rapeseed and we watched for the arrival of a next, equivalent formation.

This happened in April 2009 at Rutlands Farm, right next to the very touristy Avebury site. We therefore had to wait 4 years since the Golden Ball Hill event. Four years during which we saw an armada of crop circles parade by which looked more like battlefields than anything else.
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Images taken from the photo gallery of William Betts - 10 days after its discovery - The Rutlands "flower carpet" Farm - 2009 - Aerial photo by Lucy Pringle

Is it possible that a team of hoaxers (acting mechanically on the crops) was capable of bending - permanently - rapeseed plants over large areas without leaving any traces?

  • If the answer is yes: what is their method and why, in this case, do all formations of this type present only a spectacle of desolation? Why don't hoaxers systematically do everything possible to mystify the curious? Why don't they work cleanly every time? Is it because there is only one team capable of carrying out these formations, and this team only operates very rarely? (We can estimate that two formations in four years is not a lot considering the number of crop circles that have occurred in rapeseed over several years in England.)

  • If the answer is no : how are the curvatures produced and who is behind the phenomenon?

When a stalk of rapeseed encounters strong mechanical pressure, either:

  • it bends and straightens quickly
  • it bends at the base
  • she fractures

We were therefore particularly interested when we found, on large areas, rapeseed plants bent almost horizontally. This only clearly manifested itself twice between 2005 and 2009.

The year 2010 in England was both interesting and educational for us. The season was late, and several rapeseed training courses provided us with additional data on the behavior of this plant. It must be admitted that we are generally little informed about this culture and that we do not often have to worry about its different states. At the beginning of May 2010, two crop circles appeared in barely mature rapeseed. One was located in Old Sarum, while the other was near the famous megalithic site of Stonehenge.

These training courses allowed us to observe the reactions of rapeseed under different conditions and enriched our understanding of how this plant reacts to mechanical pressure. Thanks to these observations, we were able to collect valuable data and deepen our research into the phenomenon of crop circles in rapeseed.
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The crop circles of Old Sarum & Stonehenge 2010 - Aerial images by Lucy Pringle ©

They both have the same characteristics:

  • clear fractures at the base
  • stems covered in scratches
  • stems which rose very clearly once the mechanical pressure had passed when they had not been fractured.
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Tiges Fracturées du crop circle de Old Sarum - 2010

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The stems of the crop circle of Old Sarum 2010 have risen

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Fractured stems from the Stonehenge crop circle - 2010

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The stems of the 2010 Stonehenge crop circle have risen

These two training courses delighted the curious, but were carried out with boards. We were on site to observe and archive the facts and data.

Then a new crop circle...

Towards the end of May 2010 a formation arrived in another rapeseed field at Wilton Windmill near a windmill, and this time the crop was approaching the maturity of the two "mysterious" formations of previous years. The day after its discovery an English friend, Robert Hulse, produced a mini report, filming and commenting on the general state of the crop circle as well as the important details. (Link to the Video on Youtube)
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The Wilton Windmill crop circle 2010 - Image by Lucy Pringle ©

Here is what he observed:

  • the stems were fractured or bent at their base
  • there are no horizontally curved rods
  • the uppers had clear scratches

Below are images taken from Robert Hulse's video in the Wilton Windmill formation in 2010. The video was made the day after the discovery of the crop circle. The flowers on the ground were very damaged in places - Scratches and fractures on the stems were visible throughout the formation.
The flowers are jostled in the aisles
The flowers are jostled in the aisles
Scratches on broken stems
Stems broken at the root
Group of stems broken at the root
Thick stem broken at the root
Stems bent at the root
Severed stems
Scratches on stems
Broken thick stems
View of a flattened "bar"
The center of the crop circle "succumbed" to the trampling of the creators of the formation
This training was undoubtedly carried out with boards by an “experienced” team. Experienced, certainly, because she was able to create a complex pattern in a crop that was difficult to flatten... but not experienced enough to succeed in bending the rapeseed stalks? We come back to this famous question: why don't they work properly when they try to mystify their world by all means? Why don't they reproduce the effect generated on rapeseed from the Golden Ball Hill crop circle (2005) or Rutlands Farm (2009)?

The answer is probably simple: they can't.

Mystifying crop circle enthusiasts was the primary goal of this training. All these lines were not arranged randomly, a mathematical theorem or a scientific formula was hidden behind the "trimmed". Apart from the fact that the formula was not correctly transcribed into "crop circle language", the work on the ground did not mystify the serious observers who inspected it. The team or band of hoaxes behind this crop circle would have done better to learn how to work correctly (if possible with boards or rollers) to avoid annihilating, as we will see later, part of the crop and thus avoid financial loss for the grower. In other words, gentlemen hoaxers, if you are reading these lines, since you do not know how to mystify properly, refrain!

Bend the rapeseed? We too are incapable of it.

And you?

Yes, since 2005, whether in France or in England, we have been unable to permanently bend this type of rod. We then suggested that curious people try the experiment in turn and publish their results in images or video (this type of experiment must be carried out with the agreement of the owner of the crops). Bending rapeseed “sustainably” is much more complicated than it seems. To date, no one has yet been able, even on a small area, to demonstrate its feasibility. However, someone or a team succeeded in doing so in 2005 and then in 2009 in Wiltshire in England. It is therefore, a priori, a phenomenon reproducible with mechanical means. Those who achieved the feat with these two crop circles remain well in the shadows and, it seems, did not wish to communicate their method to the numerous hoaxers who continued to ravage the fields of England. Being noticed in this way can be like a challenge: “Do as I do, if you can!”.


 No one has ever claimed the crop circle of Golden Ball Hill nor that of Rutlands Farm which are the two formations which put us technically "at challenge".
 No one has been caught making them.
 No crop circle with equivalent characteristics has been legitimately claimed.
 No one has yet publicly explained how these specious crop circles are made with supporting evidence.

Attempts at plagiarism have occurred every year since these characteristics were highlighted. Stems are shown curved, but we only see their bases in close-ups in the photos, while a foot or hand can hold them in this position. Depending on the camera angle, a "flower carpet" effect may appear to exist but does not stand up to careful examination and even less to an in situ visit. There are also stems naturally curved at the upper root which, once dug up, will be presented as abnormally curved stems, or even stems which located in tractor tracks are deformed and shown as curved while they are not. 'only pushed crooked etc.

Evolution of culture in two very distinct formations by their method of production:

Many mysteries surround the phenomenon of crop circles. While questions abound, not all of them find answers. This is what we are seeing with this rapeseed affair. Yet we are there seems to exist a manufacturing method which should not be magic... so why has no one been able to explain the facts very concretely?

To try to see things more clearly, we followed the evolution of the support of these crop circles until the harvest: the cultivation of rapeseed. This was carried out for two very distinct training courses:

  • one still remains unexplained: Rutlands Farm - 2009, the crop circle in the shape of a sun or a twinkling star.
  • while the other was clearly and immediately identified as a fake: Wilton Windmill - 2010, the crop circle "reserved for math people".

Here is a summary and images of what we observed:

Rutlands Farm's formation in 2009 featured stems that were bent almost horizontally, which it stayed that way until harvest time. The “carpet of flowers” turned into a carpet of dry plants and the flowers were replaced by pods full of seeds. These pods all pointed towards the sky, because the flowers had the strength to react by phototropism and/or gravitropism and thus stood upright. The large stems therefore remained frozen at ground level but allowed the smaller branches supporting the flowers to react. They remained like this for 12 weeks in a row and despite the numerous visits due to the proximity of the Avebury site, the crop circle did not turn into a battlefield. It was easily spotted from the surrounding area (like the ramparts of Avebury) and did not fail to attract attention. However, only a few passages were trampled. We can take this opportunity to add that visitors and crop circle enthusiasts are not necessarily vandals and that they respect cultures. Below you will find images demonstrating these facts as well as links pointing to the different files.

This crop circle must have been made at night.

Wilton Windmill's 2010 training immediately featured rods literally pinned to the ground. They were almost all fractured or bent at the base. Seven weeks after its discovery, the passages used by visitors were devoid of plants on the ground (all trampled and crushed for a long time). A real “battlefield”. The extremely degraded state of the culture is visible in the images presented below. Weeds took over the place and when a few stems survived and did not rot, the flowers on the ground were replaced by pods. The pods did not point towards the sky, because the small branches of the flowers did not have the strength to react by phototropism and/or gravitropism. They did not recover. Once the plant fell and fractured, all its sap and vigor were reserved as a priority for the constitution of seeds which therefore matured on the ground. Between the day of the discovery and the day of our last visit, only 8 weeks (or 56 days exactly) passed... but the crop circle was in a terrible state. It should be noted that this place was far from any tourist site. The mill was not visible from major roads. There were only two houses nearby.

This crop circle was probably made in broad daylight.


First visit

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Image by Lucy Pringle ©
Crop circle discovered at Rutlands Farm on April 23, 2009
Near Avebury tourist attraction
Signs of human activity (mechanical action):

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Image from William Betts Photo Gallery
Visit of May 2, 2009,
i.e. 10 days after its discovery

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Image from the William Betts photo gallery
The stems are almost all curved at the base
Some stems are fractured (/passage paths)
10 days after its discovery

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Image from William Betts Photo Gallery #2
No scratches on bent rods
10 days after its discovery

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Image by Lucy Pringle ©
Crop circle discovered at Wilton Windmill on May 22, 2010
Near a windmill in a remote corner
Signs of human activity (mechanical action):

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Image taken from Robert Hulse's video
Visit of May 23, 2010,
i.e. 1 day after its discovery

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Image taken from Robert Hulse's video
The stems are almost all fractured at the base
The young thin stems stand up
1 day after its discovery

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Image taken from Robert Hulse's video
Scratches on all uppers
1 day after its discovery

Second visit

Visit of July 25, 2009

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Image taken from photo gallery #3 of William Betts
In the crop circle we cannot see the ground
the stems are alive

96 days after its discovery (3 months and 2 days)

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Image taken from photo gallery #3 of William Betts
In the crop circle culture is alive
96 days after its discovery (3 months and 2 days)

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Image taken from photo gallery #3 of William Betts
In the center of the crop circle
the culture is still there, curved

96 days after its discovery (3 months and 2 days)

Visit of July 17, 2010

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Image taken from the photo gallery of William Betts
In the crop circle everything rots on the ground
wild weeds invade the place

56 days after its discovery (1 month and 26 days)

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Images taken from the photo gallery of William Betts
In the crop circle culture is almost dead
56 days after its discovery (1 month and 26 days)

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Image taken from the photo gallery of William Betts
In the center of the crop circle, the weeds take over, nothing remains of the crop

56 days after its discovery (1 month and 26 days)

Les échantillons

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Sample of the interior of the training
Collected on July 25, 2009

We can notice that the pods have risen upwards, towards the sky. Despite the curvature and flattening of the stem, the seeds reached maturity and the harvest could be achieved. All or almost all the stems were in this state.

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Image taken from photo gallery #3 of William Betts
Close-up on the pods

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Close-up of the base of the stem which is curved
Close-up on the pods

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Image taken from photo gallery #3 of William Betts
Control stem taken from the field outside the formation.

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Sample of the interior of the training
Taken on July 17, 2010

We can notice that the pods remained in the extension of the stem, that they did not rise towards the sky. The stem was fractured and remained horizontal for the rest of the time. Only a few rapeseed plants have not rotted to the ground, like this one. What remained of the crop could not be harvested.

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Image taken from the photo gallery of William Betts
Close-up on the pods

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Image taken from the photo gallery of William Betts
Close-up of the base of the stem which is fractured

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Image taken from the photo gallery of William Betts
Control stem taken from the field outside the formation.

There is no doubt, these two training courses were not carried out under the same conditions. What is this about? The maturity of the rapeseed was approximately the same. Since 2010 was very cold, crop growth was slowed. The parameters that differ the most are found at the level of the tools used since in one of the formations, they clearly left traces, while in the other, these traces simply did not exist.

You might imagine that big, fluffy rolls did a neat job. In this case try it for yourself and see how the plants react. See if they do not rise up, if the curvature at the base of the stems exists and persists, see if the force of your weight does not break them, if your feet have no impact on the stems either... and show the result publicly and clearly on the internet. We are very interested and would ideally like a report covering the entire experience up to harvest time.


The oldest crop circle, closest to tourists, most exposed to the gaze and curiosity of those interested, was the one that had been the least damaged, although it was necessarily created at night. It remained harvestable. Conversely, the one which had been able to be created quietly out of sight, the one which had attracted the fewest tourists because it was isolated in the countryside and which had had the shortest "life" duration, had turned out to be the one that had been totally destroyed. It had not stood the test of time and had not been harvestable. It was the creators themselves who caused the damage. But if simple rollers could save crops, why continue to vandalize the fields? Because yes, it was vandalism! For Golden Ball Hill and Rutlands Farm, no, it wasn't quite vandalism. We were in no way encouraging people to create crop circles, we were emphasizing that THE CULTURE REMAINS HARVESTABLE... sometimes, in very rare cases, and that In these cases precisely, we did not find clear signs indicating that a gang of guys had come there to flatten the crop and trample it.

Notice to crop circle enthusiasts and the truly curious: as you noticed, crop circles in rapeseed did not quite arrive during the summer vacation period. If an interesting formation appeared around April-May, you could still inspect it until July of the same year, since the "strange" characteristics of these formations persisted. You could therefore, if necessary, see for yourself the curvatures and the intact stems.

Were we dealing with a "special team" which always operated at night, at the same period (end of April-beginning of May), which always chose places close to the epicenter of the crop circle phenomenon, therefore places potentially monitored? A team so “special” that it was the only one to hold the secret or the magic recipe that amazed the little world of crop circles? A team that rarely operated, but why?

What we knew about her was that she wanted attention, and she did it perfectly.


- Le site de Lucy Pringlefor the aerial views

Photo galleries on the Culture-crop.com site for rapeseed training
- 2010 - Old Sarum et son dossier
- 2010 - Stonehenge
- 2010 - Wilton Windmill (images et vidéo)
- 2010 - Wilton Windmill (photos de la deuxième visite)
- 2009 - Rutlands Farm page 1
- 2009 - Rutlands Farm page 2
- 2009 - Rutlands Farm page 3 (photos de la deuxième visite)
- 2009 - Roundway Hill
- 2009 - East Kennett
- 2008 - Milk Hill
- 2006 - Botley
- 2005 - Golden Ball Hill
- 2004 - Deacon Hill

The different files on rapeseed from Culture-crop.com
- The first crop circles of the 2010 season in England or "The great masquerade" (which was useful to us)
- This challenge in rapeseed, which no one has yet taken up (2007/2010)  but we don't despair (although!)
- 2006 - Experience in rapeseed The boards... "It's not ideal!"